Sunday, December 4, 2011

Dr.Kits Mansion

         The night is beautiful and the few stars are out in the city. Walking through a new neighborhood just a mile from my own I see stray cats patrolling the alleyways and elegant old mansions that have been there longer than anyone living in them.
         I see an old college professor of mine standing in a driveway I assume is his. He is waving goodbye to a man on a bicycle taxi that looks vaguely familiar.  I approach him and call his name. “Dr. Kits!” he looks mildly surprised but glad to see me none-the-less.
         He tells me he is doing well and enjoying his summer semester off from teaching at the College. During the rest of the year he teaches several Psychology courses. The doctor is a very excellent teacher, mainly because he is a very strange and vague sort of man. He is always telling odd stories in his classes that don’t end or he just does not finish, always alluding to a very peculiar past.
         Looking exceptionally healthy for being in his mid sixties. The man has always been an advocate of physical fitness and the more positive aspects of psychology. This shows in his outlook and personality as well as his general health.
         He invites me into his home for a tour. The “Home” turns out to be more of a mansion than a home. First walking through the entry way and through the coat-room elaborately decorated with oak trim polished to a shine with an antique wooden armchair against one wall.
         We walk into what seems to be a living room or television room. The television is turned on to a soccer game. It seems to be two Italian teams I could not recognize. The Professor is a very proud southern Italian and spent most of his childhood there.  This aspect of his life comes up in a lot of his suspicious stories.
         He begins to tell me about the man that was just leaving on the bicycle taxi “Jacob is a smart man, he chose not to drive and to spend his time learning Mandarin.” He goes on “You know someday soon the Chinese will rule the world, it is best to be picking up the language while you can, especially being in the tourism and services business, such as Jacob.”
         We venture outside into the courtyard surrounded on all sides buy what he explains to be a large guest house and separate dining hall meant to sit a hundred people around a single table.  He tells me “In Sicily the host with the most is also the most respected man in town.” I can see that the professor considers himself above all a great host and begin wondering where all his money is coming from.
         I ask  “So what other businesses are you into these days, other than teaching that is, the stock market, maybe commodities?” 
        He explains “No teaching is just a hobby of mine, a way of giving back some of what I have learned in this life. What you have to do is meet three acquaintances of mine and get to know them very well. The first is Mr. Bugler, He is very quiet and may not warm up to you in the entire time you are with him, but it is very important that you get to know his pattern. The second man you must meet is Samuelson, a little more friendly than the others but will not let you into his secret life whatsoever. This must be respected but learn all you can from him, he is a very intelligent man especially in the ways of the universe. The third man is my closest friend, Curtis. Curtis is all you may call him for he will not appreciate being called anything else. He is the most open of the three and you may learn the most from him. He knows much about the ways of the world and will teach you much.  Learn from these three men and you will be immortal and possibly even boundless.”
        I do not say anything for a very long time pondering on what the man has just told me. Finally I make an excuse to leave. He tells me he will call a taxi as it has begun to rain.
        I wait in the entryway alone for the taxi. Sitting in the antique armchair I find it very uncomfortable. On a stand next to the chair is a guest book. Opening the book to sign and comment, I find there are only hash marks. One two three four and five lines crossing over in groups of five covering the first two pages. I turn more pages and find only more Hash marks. There are maybe forty pages of hash marks filling only half of the book. The other half of the book is entirely blank.
       I am startled by a HONK! Outside waits the yellow taxi-cab in the pouring rain. I run outside through the downpour getting only slightly drenched along the way. I give the driver my home address and we proceed. I think on all the things the professor has told me over the years and consider how seriously I should take our conversation
       Taking a right of the driveway I ask the driver “Which way are we going? Is this a shortcut?” The driver replies “I am taking you to Mr. Bugler’s house sir.”
       I turn immediately to open the door and the door is locked. I take a last look at the house and see the professor in an upper window of his home staring out into the rain watching as the cab takes me away.